Little is known about the early life of this Oglala Sioux chief, who was born sometime in the late 1840's. A fierce warrior, Crazy Horse is remembered for his lifelong opposition to the coming of white settlers to the northern plains. He fought against U.S. soldiers in the Fetterman Massacre of 1866 and the 18867 Wagon Box fight, part of Red Cloud's War of 1866-68. Crazy Horse was the victor in many raids, among them the 1876 battles of the Rosebud River and Little Bighorn. One of the last Sioux chief s to surrender, he did so on May 6, 1877. In September of that year, Crazy Horse was fatally stabbed by a guard when he resisted imprisonment. No photograph of him is known to exist; this drawing was used as a stamp for the U.S. postal service and is not a portrait from life.