Pictured here is "The Longest March," a march to Washington, D.C., in July, 1977, to protest Indian rights abuses. On the banners, the words "Free Leonard Peltier" are visible. Peltier was an activist involved both in the American Indian Movement (AIM) and in the efforts to combat a corrupt administration at Pine Ridge. In 1975, the situation at the reservation became increasingly volatile, and FBI agents took over the settlement by force. The resulting shoot-out lead to the deaths of one Indian and two agents. The even occurred on June 26, 1975, the ninety-ninth anniversary of General George Custer's defeat by Indians at Little Bighorn. Peltier was subsequently convicted of shooting the agents. Although the only witnesses against him later admitted they were forced under threat to testify against him, Peltier has not been granted an appeal. He is presently serving two lifetime sentences in federal prison.