Leonard Crow Dog, the husband of Mary Crow Dog, is a spiritual leader and medicine man for the Lakota Sioux. He was born in 1942 on the Rosebud reservation. Crow Dog was a leader at the occupation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs office in Washington, D. C., in 1972, and he revived the Ghost Dance at the siege of Wounded Knee in 1973. Pictured here, he is coming out of a sweat lodge after engaging in the traditional purification ritual which proceeded all sacred ceremonies. The sweat lodge was made of sixteen willow sticks, made into a beehive-shaped dome and fastened with strips of cloth, then covered with blankets of buffalo skin. Participants would enter, one at a time, and sit with the medicine man around a pile of heated rocks. The heat was extremely intense, but most people emerged, after prayer and meditation, feeling elated and purified.