June 12, 2013

Another productive and fun day of data collecting! James and I were joined by one of the TAs, Emily, on our hydrology mission. She brought along a turbidity meter and a flow meter for us to use. We took a few turbidity measurements in one of the marshy areas and we got very high readings (compared to the streams). The flow meter wasn’t used much. The streams in the valley flow, but barely at all. We still need to compare the turbidity readings to see if there are any patterns.

We tried to walk up the main channel where possible and walked along a road in the north side of the valley to see where stream channels  cross the road. It doesn’t sound like much, but it took a while! We also took a quick visit to an abandoned water mine/well in the side of the north side of the Ka’a’awa Valley.

Now it’s time to import the data we collected today to organize an clean it up.