Day 12

June 24, 2012

Today was a super early day, and because of events you will read about momentarily a very short blog.

In the light of dawn we set out to meet with a charter fishing boat that would be towing our sensors behind it today. The boat was a trawler, about 25-30” in length and made for an exciting ride in the rough surf.

Unfortunately for me, the rough surf and small craft quickly overwhelmed my stomach and I spent the vast majority of the 3 hour tour feeding the fishes with whatever I could dredge from my stomach. The ordeal did come to an end and afterward I needed about an equal amount of lying still in my cot followed by a hot shower before I felt human again. On the bright side, we got some good data.

Between the GPS tracks, sensor data, water samples, and coast features we photographed we had plenty of data to work with through the afternoon for processing.