Day 15: Back to the Lab

June 26, 2012

Today, we spent the day in the lab. I feel like I got a lot done today. I worked with Dr. Lee for a bit trying to figure out the best imagery to use for my data. I can’t use Landsat TM or ASTER because the spatial resolution is big for what I need because I am working with a large scale map. Worldview 2 has a great spatial resolution for what I am working with, however, It does not contain the mid-IR bands that I need to study the rocks along the coast of Kauai. So we start looking for imagery and I brought up ALI imagery. Dr. Lee liked it, so now that is what I am going to work with. I have never worked with any imagery other than Landsat TM, so this will be a new experience for me.

I also started working on some ArcMap data. I plotted the GPS points that we took where we took the samples of the rocks. Then I georeferenced Dr. Blay’s rock reference map.

It was definitely a successful day!