Day 16

June 18, 2013

This morning, everyone gathered around in the middle of the barn and talked about what kind of project each person had in mind. Then, each of the professor who had more expertise about the topic each person’s project was about, gave some suggestions and identified people who could potentially share the data and cooperate to some degree. Then we talked about how to do data management so that someone who does not know one’s file management system could still figure out how to get the data he/she wants.


After that, everyone was free to work on whatever he/she thought was necessary to do. I worked on fixing the attribute table for the vegetation group’s point shapefile because I would need to identify which of those points are ferns and which are grass points. Later on, Peter and Howard helped fix the attribute table so tomorrow, I am hoping to get the metadata finished.


Today I am working on finding articles and reading about different methods people have used to classify vegetation so that I have a better idea of how to map the uluhe ferns that Peter and Howard had difficulty extracting as a separate class in eCognition and Erdas respectively.