I fought the porch and the porch won

June 22, 2012

Today we had a lab day on the grounds of the National Tropical Botanical Gardens – a very tedious but necessary and productive 7-hour spell in a cave of a room. We’ve generated quite a bit of data over the past few days by a couple different platforms. The imagery we have obtained from the kite camera and from the U of H flying wing will require quite a bit of processing to match with the 8-band WorldView 2 datasets. However, the product we will end up with will be of great benefit to the overall GRAM mission. The room we were in today was really cold! I was glad we had a lovely baked potato bar to come home to for dinner to warm us up. It was hearty and stuck to our ribs. I hear potatoes are great fuel for doing remote sensing. Only time will tell!

Update: I was out on the porch stargazing tonight and then I stood up to go inside and fell through. I am okay but the porch has a small battle wound.