Revenge of the Sith

June 28, 2012

A good morning transitioned into an incredibly frustrating afternoon. Spent the morning collecting the last of my points and wandering around the site. Once again somewhat repetitive but I can’t complain about such trifles when I get to be working outside, near the beach, in the sun. The afternoon wasn’t quite so grand. It was spent in the lab struggling mightily and repeatedly failing to get any progress on my project. Went down several false paths as I worked to mosaic the pictures of my study area from the UAV and get them geo-referenced. My struggles came from the debate over whether using photoscan was proper methodology due to the distortion involved. Individually georeferencing would require so much time that my study area would have to be highly restricted. We found a promising avenue in the form of a site called, but this ended up not working out as the site didn’t georeference the pictures as it seemed to claim. In all I can’t say I’ve made any progress today which is very frustrating. Had to spend the evening on self imposed timeout to make sure I didn’t get to snappy. It didn’t exactly help that we haven’t had a vegetarian option in a while here. Some real food would go a long way… After dinner Matty gave a lecture about some real uses of the GIS ideas we are working on. I really enjoyed the talk. It was good to see some real applications, specifically ones that involve some statistics as that is my other area of interest. Beyond that, he is just working on some really interesting stuff and it’s always good to hear about that kind of thing. Finally we came home to get some more work done but that idea was hurt by the realization that what i had gotten out of the day (my study site mosaic-ed by photoscan) was upside down and my computer lacks the software to fix it. Back to the drawing board tomorrow, hopefully I can figure something out here…