The Search for Spock

June 20, 2012

Getting harder to get inspired for morning workouts, but managed to pull it off again despite our earlier kickoff time. Walked back to the temple once we got to the site but we were much more productive today. Got off several flights with one of the UAVs and took lots of pictures with the kite. Really interesting stuff, can’t wait to see and work with the results. So tired again though so I ended up crashing and napping for a few at lunch. After that we finally got Burney’s cave tour. The man has gotten an amazing amount of information out of that cave. Apparently the mix of cave and lake led to a perfect fossil environment, especially when added to the fact that the area has a perfect Ph level for preservation. In what must be a story directly taken from a nightmare I’ve had before, he talked about one tunnel in the cave only large enough to crawl though which opens up to a room with only 3 species. Two small, blind insects and, terrifyingly, a type of large spider. No thank you. Looked at some spectrometer results, then headed back. Really appreciate the early ending today, so needed after yesterday. Did some yoga and stretching once we got back, made me feel much much better. Plus no lecture tonight so we finally got a little rest and vedge out time! Huzzah.