Theses and Comps

Theses and Comps

For theses and comps titles prior to 2012, please choose from the years listed on the right.

Spring 2012 – Thesis

Daniella R. DeLea
Humor and Power: How Multi-Modal Language Constructs Identity and Social Hierarchy

Spring 2012 – Comps

Susan Akhavan
Second Language Word Learning: The Comparative Effects of High and Low Search/Evaluation Conditions in Conjunction with Frequency of Exposure

Justin Dampeer
Swear Words, Background Knowledge, and ESL Speakers

Maria Dien
Implicit Learning and L2 Acquisition: A Comparative Study of Monolinguals, Early-Learner Bilinguals and Late-Learner bilinguals

Jahner Erik
Priming Complementation Constructions: The Case of Gerund and Infinitive Oral Production

Aziz ul haq Qureshi
The Impact of Test Format on the Vocabulary Performance of ESL Learners from Different L1 Backgrounds

Fall 2012 – Comps

Aaron Coleman
Formulaic Language in the Distribution and Motivation of Participial Adjectives with Obligatory Adjuncts

Jennifer Dudek
Impact of Teacher Questions on Student Output: Display and Open ended Effects

Luisa Villanueva
An Investigation of Impoliteness in Online Message Boards: Confrontations and Disagreements