Theses and Comps 2010

Thesis and Comps 2010

Spring 2010 – Thesis

Nadiia M. Denhovska
The Role of Poetic Discourse Structure in Conceptual Metaphor Accessibility

Spring 2010 – Comps

Elizabeth Cardenas
Motivation and Demotivation in Acquiring English as a Second Language: A Case Study

Nancy Ertel
A Contrastive Analysis of English Sentence Structure among Native Speakers

Matthew Ezell
Processing Strategies of Comparatives by Second Language Learners of Japanese

Hsiao-Chuan Hsu
The Interaction of Motivation and Learning Strategies as Predictors of Success in a Chinese as a Foreign Language Classroom

Nicole Jacobs
The Effects of Reverse Accent Mimicry on Japanese ESL Students

Tsukasa Joji
A Comparison of Writing Improvement Between Peer Review Instructed Groups and Non-Instructed Groups

Aya Kikuchi
Universal Grammar Accessibility for Japanese as Second Language Learners

Pei-Jung Lin
Re-Examining the Critical Period for Second Language Pronunciation

Susan Olivieri
The Effects of Explicit Phonics Instruction on Adult ESL Learners: A Phonics Intervention

Kristin Perez
An Adult ESL Teacher’s Functional Uses of the L1

Mitch Porter
Does Musical Aptitude Influence Language Ability?A Quantitative Approach to Music and Language

Karen Ritchie
Epistemic Lexical Verb Clauses and Complementizer ‘that’ In ESL Learners’ Speech

Sze Man Tam
Transliteration of Portuguese Street Names into Cantonese

Norbert Voisard
Effects of Motivation and Attitudes on ESL Students’ Learning Success

Summer 2010 – Thesis

Carolyn Oldham
An Investigation of Genre and Grammatical Positioning in an Online Community

Stacey M. Porter
Orthographic Influence on the Perception and Production of Spanish Loans in English

Fall 2010 – Comps

Terry Dip
Student-to-Professor requestive emails: A comparison of native speakers and Japanese speakers of English

Su Mi Hur
The effects of L1 transfer or L2 input in the usage of English articles by L1-Korean, Spanish, and Japanese speakers

Bruce Monge
Level ordering hypothesis in young children, gradience of irregularity

Ayumi Natori
Universal grammar in second language acquisition

Jennifer Nolasco
Putting the “less is more” hypothesis to the test

Erich Phinizy
Minority language proficiency in bilingual Japanese-English households

Mikako Sakai
The analysis of the adverbial particles: nado, naNka, and naNte

Jie Sun
Is handwriting an efficient method to teach learners of Chinese as a second language?

Kyoko Takamura
Acquisition of English consonant clusters: A study on syllable modification strategies used by Japanese speakers

Yun-Jou Tseng
How are native and nonnative English speaking teachers perceived by EFL learners?