Keynote Speakers

We are pleased to announce our keynote speakers!

Catriona Seth

Catriona Seth is Marshal Foch Professor of French Literature and a Fellow of All Souls College at the University of Oxford. She has studied and worked in several countries and in several languages, especially French, English, and Spanish. She is known for her work on French literature and the cultural history of the Enlightenment period, with Marie Antoinette and Madame de Staël among her many areas of expertise. She is the editor of Staël Oeuvres for Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, 2017. Among her many honors, awards and publications, she is currently Co-investigator for “Dreaming Romantic Europe,” an Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Network project, 2018-2020. In July 2017, she was elected a Fellow of the British Academy.

For more information on Professor Seth, please visit her homepage at:




Pura Fernández

Pura Fernández has a doctorate from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and is Research Professor at the Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología del Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CSIC) in Madrid, Spain.

She is author, editor and co-editor of thirteen books; among them, Engaging the Emotions in Spanish Culture and History (18th. Century to the Present) (with Elena Delgado y Jo Labanyi; Vanderbilt Press, 2015), La cultura de las emociones y las emociones en la cultura española contemporánea (siglos XVIII-XXI) (Cátedra, 2018); she has also edited several volumes, No hay nación para este sexo. La Re(d) pública de las Letras: escritoras españolas y latinoamericanas (1824-1936) (Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2015) and La mujer de letras o la letraherida. Discursos y representaciones sobre la mujer escritora en el siglo XIX (with Marie- Linda Ortega, 2008). She is the author of Eduardo López Bago y el Naturalismo Radical. La novela y el mercado literario en el siglo XIX (Rodopi, Holanda-EEUU) and Mujer pública y vida privada. Del arte eunuco a la novela lupanaria (Tamesis Books, U.K). 

For more information on Professor Fernández Rodríguez, please visit her homepage at: